Microsoft Azure services- மைக்ரோசாஃப்ட் அஸூர் சேவைகள்

 Azure services:

Azure includes many services in its cloud computing platform. Let’s talk about a few of them.

*Compute services This includes the Azure Virtual Machines—both Linux and Windows, Cloud Services, App Services (Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Logic Apps, API Apps, and Function Apps), Batch (for large-scale parallel and batch compute jobs), RemoteApp, Service Fabric, and the Azure Container Service.

*Data services This includes Microsoft Azure Storage (comprised of the Blob, Queue, Table, and Azure Files services),

Azure SQL Database, DocumentDB, StorSimple, and the Redis Cache.

* Application services This includes services that you can use to help build and operate your applications, such as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Service Bus for connecting distributed systems, HDInsight for processing big data, Azure Scheduler, and Azure Media Services.

*Network services This includes Azure features such as Virtual Networks, ExpressRoute, Azure DNS, Azure Traffic Manager, and the Azure Content Delivery Network.

When migrating an application, it is worthwhile to have some understanding of the different services available in Azure because you might be able to use them to simplify the migration of your application and improve its robustness. It is impossible for us to cover everything in this book, but there are some services we felt you should know about. Chapter 9, “Additional Azure services,” provides a list of these services and a brief description of each of them.

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